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View the Post Box Collection on-line

In this section we present our collection of letter boxes, updated to 2008. Later additions will be added as time allows. So you can explore most of the collection in cyberspace. This section is frequently updated as new items are added, restored or replaced so check back regularly!

These pages are arranged by the reign of each monarch:

Victoria Regina 1852*-1901

Edward VII Rex 1901 - 1910

George V Rex 1910-1936

Edward VIII^ 1936

George VI Rex 1936-1952

Elizabeth II Regina 1952-Present

Private Posting Boxes

Foreign Post Boxes

The Ludlow Tour of Britain


* Victoria acceded to the throne in 1837, but no post boxes were produced until 1852.

^ David, Duke of Windsor, acceded on the death of George V as Edward VIII, but abdicated before

his coronation could take place. He was superseded by his brother Albert who took the title George VI.

Complete listings of all our boxes